Sometimes I watch HGTV with my mom, for some quality family time, and then later when I ask her to watch something I can claim that I try to share her interests. (Although trying to get her to sit through poker is like pulling teeth.) I asked Mom to list her five favorite programs and why.
5. Design U - here a poor, “un-creative” schmuck is given one day of intense training with a designer, then some money and several helpers, and he must in two days transform a certain place, usually for a spouse or fiancĂ©. It’s great fun and entertainment while you learn.
4. My Parents’ House - The houses they tackle are for parents about my age, so it’s fun to see what they do to bring new life and color to worn-out family homes!
2. Neat - Same dynamics as Mission: Organization. Here the “neat freak” gently helps the person “purge” and think through why they have clutter in the first place, and gradually she brings beautiful peace and order to their mess.
and my mother's number one favorite show on HGTV.......1. Debbie Travis’ Facelift - I like Debbie’s creative, humorous way of designing and bringing life to something old and tired! And I love the fact that it’s a secret from the person who owns the house or room. I love surprises!
[Hyperion's note: The second post I ever did at Monkey Barn was about Debbie Travis, wondering who she was. Now that I know (having watched a few episoded with my mom), I'm not that impressed. She seems like Marth Stewart but not as refined or talented. All that anger, though, I bet that comes out in other areas, if you know what I mean, and in case my mom is still reading, I'm talking about the basketball court.]